Sunday, July 31, 2016

Row of Houses / 家がずらっと / 一排房子


Here are some apartments under a blue sky.  I like how the red contrasts with the blue.  This may be somewhere in Park Slope, Brooklyn, though I've forgotten now.

位在藍藍的晴天下,這些上面有點紅色的建築看起來很漂亮。這裡有可能是布魯克林的Park Slope區,但我忘記了是在哪裡。

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

116th and Riverside Drive

位在116th街和Riverside Drive有一個很漂亮的建築。下些照片我完全沒有改顏色。只要改相機的角度一點點,顏色就會改變。像魔法一樣!

There is a beautiful, curved building on 116th Street and Riverside Drive.  I did nothing to change the colors in these photos.  A slight change in the angle of the camera resulted in the light being reflected differently and the building changing colors entirely.

116th街とRiverside Driveにこの綺麗なカーブしている建物がある。下の写真には何も変色していない。カメラのアングルをちょっと変えただけで色が大分変わった。

Friday, July 22, 2016

Cloud Storage / 雲と倉庫 / 雲和倉庫

44th Street and 12th Avenue


This dull building containing a Manhattan Mini Storage looks quite beautiful with the clouds in the background.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Different Hudsons / ハドソンのバリエーション / 多色之哈德遜


Here are a couple of photos of the Hudson in May.  It was a bright, clear day and it shone beautifully in the sun.  I messed around with the coloring on the latter three a bit.


Sunday, July 10, 2016

Pompous Pharmacy / 仰々しい薬局 / 自大的藥局


An Upper West Side pharmacy located in former bank.  The neo-classical architecture looks even more ridiculously pretentious when you know that you can go inside and buy a six-pack of beer, some ibuprofen and a box of donuts with extra artificial flavoring.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Cooperstownie and His Dog / クーパーズタウンの奴と犬 / 苦爬鎮之伙伴和狗

苦爬鎮在紐約州。這個小小的鄉鎮有美國國家棒球名人堂暨博物館。除了這個博物館以外什麼都沒有,但是是個很漂亮的鄉鎮。(按照Wikipedia,中文名字是「古柏鎮」,可是我比較喜歡自己想出來的「苦爬鎮」。)四月我有機會去這裡玩,那時碰到這個銅像。名叫「The Indian Hunter」(印第安獵人)。原件位在紐約市中央公園,苦爬鎮的是一個複製。藝人名叫John Quincy Adams Ward。他其實是一位非常有名的美國雕刻家。

I had an opportunity to go to Cooperstown back in April.  Cooperstown is most famous for its Baseball Hall of Fame, but it turns out it also has this statue, which is by a very famous sculptor named John Quincy Adams Ward.  (No relation to the president of almost the same name.)  He made a lot of very famous sculptures in his time, and this one, called "The Indian Hunter" is no exception:  it was originally displayed in Central Park in New York City (and it's still there).  Copies of it were made, and one was placed here in Cooperstown.

これはクーパーズタウンで見かけた銅像だ。クーパーズタウンはアメリカ野球殿堂博物館で有名だ。私は4月頃にクーパーズタウンに行ってきたが、その時はこの銅像に出遭って写真を撮った。後で調べてみたら、これはかなり有名なJohn Quincy Adams Wardという彫刻家の銅像だと分かった。「The Indian Hunter」(「インディアン猟師」という意味)というのだ。原本はニューヨーク市のセントラルパークにあり、こちらは複製品だ。

Monday, July 4, 2016

Blind Bumps


125th Street Station, 1 line.  It's an outdoor station, and the blind bumps are surprisingly pretty in the sunlight.
